Thursday, February 12, 2009

What's New?

So, same old stuff going on here lately for the most part. Today was ridiculously busy at work, I mean non stop, and of course we have floater pharmacists and they kept the place a mess. I couldn't get anything done. It was just an absolutely horrendous day. I could honestly use a drink. The past few weeks I have been hanging out with my dear Kristen. We have been doing our usual Twilight obsessing and such. I am so stoked for Twicon and I have a feeling it might end up just being the two of us in the end and I am ok with that. I just finished watching the new episode of skins and I love it. I am so in love with the new series. I just love watching the new characters unfold. All I have to say after this episode is poor Panda and poor Effy. So these next few day/weeks I have a few things going on. Tomorrow night Stacy is supposed to be in town from cali and we are gonna meet her at lamplighters for drinks after I get out of work. I need to go shopping before work and get some pants to wear. I basically just need some cute pants I am sure I can throw together a top to wear, maybe a shirt and nice jacket or something. I'm not sure yet. Jennifer also wants to come visit the first weekend of march so I am hoping that all works out as planned. She is dying to meet kristen and I miss her so much. She's one of my best friends from highschool. I genuinely miss her. She's always the sensible one and I miss that. This weekend is that holiday we all love to hate. Valenitnes Day! Since Kristen and I have no boyfriends to spend a nice night with, we decided to have a girls night. We are gonna rent movies, eat chocolate and drink red wine. I am actually looking forward to it. We are taking Peaches Geldof's advice on movies. I was actually rather sorry for her and her husband splitting up, not to say that it wasn't expected. I mean they started dating and got married in the same month. Music wise this past week I have been listening to the new Kings of Leon and Lily Allen cd's non stop. The kings of leon cd is amazing. The only way I can describe it is that it's like listening to amazing sex on cd. lol. Well I am gonna catch up on some tele and then head to bed. I get to sleep in for a bit tomorrow. But I can't sleep in as late as I would like since I have to get breakfast and get an outfit. So goodnight. 

P.S. The girl we met off the Twilight Lexicon, Camelia, emailed me the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack and it's pretty spectacular as well. 


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