Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Inspiration and Life

So what's new? Let me think. Well to start off I am loving the new Series of Skins already. Yeah, yeah I know it only started on Thursday, but I am so excited to see Effy in action. That quiet little addict has has such potential the last two series' and I am just happy to see her in command, she's the new Tony. lol. I have a feeling this season is gonna be full of some crazy shit. That pandora chick is a crack up too. She would get on my nerves right quick. Lately I have been surprisingly busy. It's kinda insane. I went from having no social life to being out til' 1 am every night. Kristen and I have been hanging out a lot lately and have become really close. We get each other. It's insane I don't think I have ever had someone in my life who just gets everything I say. Even though we have our slight differences, we still get where the other is coming from. It's been a lot of fun. We spend basically all our free time together. We've decided were gonna move to london and get a flat with 2 cats. One will be named Spunk and the other Ransom. If she's still finishing school or something I can head over and get us set up and start a job or something.  The last few days I have started reading a new book series. I know it's a crazy thought me reading something other than twilight, but this series seems like it will be interesting. It's called Vampire Academy, and at this point I am a bit confused about a few things but they are being slowly explained. There are a few books after it, and I got a few chapters knocked out while at the gym so I am hoping to finish it soon. I am so ready for school to be over already, school is just so...school. lol. I just want to be making money and creating things that I believe in, not with these weird school guidelines. I have my first typography project due on monday, and I am liking this class. It's the kind of art that I am most interested in. I have always like words and different text and art with letter forms. I am hoping that I learn some cool stuff in this class. It's probably the one book I will keep for reference after the quarter. Tomorrow I have typography and sociology, and that class isn't too bad so far. My teacher gives us cookies after our second break.So to end the post I think I might post a picture of these amazing shoes that I have been obsessing over at Nordstrom. They are of course by the amazing Stuart Weitzman, and they cost $300+ but they are gorgeous. They come in blue, which Kristen likes, but I am craving these beautiful yellow babies. Really they are just glorious and I would do almost anything to get them, but since they are pretty damn close to the cost of my car payment every month, I think I will take my car over the shoes. But beware shoes, I will have you one day, you will be mine pretty ones. lol. Well I am gonna make a little collage, and then hit the sack. Gotta get up early and got to class. Kristen and I will be hanging out tomorrow probably doing lunch, and maybe I can convince her to go to the gym. We also might hit up Ikea and wander for a bit. 

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Yesterday was an interesting day to say the least. I got up, showered, got ready all the usual stuff. I let Rupert have some fun time in his ball while I cleaned his cage. That baby boy certainly has a ton of energy. I ended up going to the Police station and to China buffet with Kristen. Kristen has been receiving some prank phone calls the last few days and they were getting sexual and bad so we went to the police and at least gave a report so there was something on file, even though they couldn't really do anything. No good cops. We had lunch at Super China Buffet. It was good, and I was stuffed when we left. Those sweet buns are so good, but so bad. I dropped Kristen off and headed to my parents before work, and as soon as I pulled in my mom pulled up. She wasn't supposed to be off work for another hour and a half. Turned out she got rear ended and it jacked up the back end of her car badly. She had a police report and everything. It was pretty bad. She was an emotional wreck. I got changed and headed to work. The hour with hank wasn't too bad, but I was thankful, as I always am, when Saima walked in. I had made her a copy of the Twilight soundtrack and she was really excited. Time passed pretty quickly. We did our usual Twilight talks and other various things. Turns out they're teaching kids at her daughters school to count and add the way I taught my self when I was younger. That's exciting considering when I was younger nobody could get what I was trying to say. Now they're teaching it. That sucks. Got off work at 9 and picked up Kristen to head to the Hookah Lounge. They were still out of cosmo so we got sex on the beach. That stuff is so good. Kristen's friend Grace met us up there later and only stayed for a little bit. We had a second head of pomegranate. We we chilling until around 1 am. We figured by that time we should head home. I had to stop at Taco Bell and get my brother some food, and then they fucked up my order and I had to go back through. Then they continued to piss me off more because she practically argued with me and got all pissy when I told her they screwed up. I now am going to be calling and reporting that. Then to top off my mom's bad day someone puked on their car while they were at the cinema. I felt so bad. Needless to say she drank a few last night. I went home and passed out and didn't go to class cause I'm not happy with my project so far. I can't get it right. 
Tonight Kristen and I are starting our movie marathon weekend.
 We made a list of movies we either both haven't seen, or she
I definently want to watch Slumdog Millionaire tonight. That movie is honestly just amazing. It just left me sp
eechless. The reason I wanted to see it was cause Dev Patel is in it, and I also heard it was good. I completely fell in love with it. So it's going to be a fun 

Monday, January 19, 2009

Twilight Anyone?

So Kristen and I are thinking that we're gonna go see Twilight tonight...again! We are so obsessed. I love it. Anyways if you haven't see that movie you have no clue what you're missing. I have seen it 7 times already in theaters. 4 times just opening weekend. We need some serious mental help but I don't care. 
I am kinda happy my brother is back, even though he isn't happy to be back, but I think maybe he'll appreciate the people he has here more now that he has seen what it's like not to have any of them. I knew he wouldn't last at my grandparents cause it's hor
rible there. We all told him befor
e he left, but he just doesn't listen. I am hoping he'll continue to hang out with our little group and maybe he can try to make himself a bit happier. I
 was pretty shaken up yesterday when he walked in, I have never been so scared by my brother before, and it sucked because I just didn't know what to do. I am taking him to workout in a few minutes so that might help also. Today was no school so I finally got to sleep in. I woke up a around 11:30 and chilled around the apartment for a bit. I put Rupert in his ball for a bit and let him run around and burn some energy. I've r
ealized on days where I don't let him run in his ball, he spends all night running in his wheel. I mean the last thing I want to hear at 2 am is the sound of that wheel turning. It's ridiculously loud. I love that little chubber though. 
So I found these amazing Karl Lagerfeld sunglasses the other day that I am absolutely in love with.They are $50 right now, but I want them so bad. They are awesome. 
My expensive taste is very inconvenient I must say. lol. I don't have the money to live the lifestyle I want. I will one day soon though, and I just hold on for that. Right now I am just holding out for July for Twicon. It's gonna be a blast. A whole weekend in texas with my best friends and all things Twilight. I am excited because I have never been to Texas. It's kinda sad though that it'll cost us less to drive to texas for the weekend for Twicon then go to the one down the street. It's gonna be an exciting weekend. I love road trips and I will be with some of the coolest people ever so I can't imagine it getting much better. In december Kristen, Tim and I are hoping we will have enough money to go to LA for a few days and party for Kristen's birthday. I am talking Le Deux, Chateau Marmot, and some cool shopping. I will defiantly have to stop by JapanLA while were there. I know these are some major plans, but I am hoping we can follow through with them. Twicon right now is priority one for me right now. I am so excited for this summer. I am still a bit disappointed that we aren't gonna be able to head up to Auburn Hills for the 100 Monkeys show next month, but I think I can deal with not having my car broken into. Well I am gonna try and drag my brother's ass out the door to workout. 

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What's Up?

So...today was full of drama. I got up early for a work out with my mom, only to show up to her still being in bed. We didn't end up going out and instead we went to breakfast. It was a nice breakfast even though the chefs kept screwing everything up. Anyways when I was done I headed out and got Starbucks then headed to work. Work was not dead, but not busy. When I got off I knew my bro was coming back from michigan and I was kind of looking forward to seeing him. I hadn't seen him since christmas. Well when he walked in the door, he was just dead. He immediately went to the corner and just was a blob. He clearly didn't want to be here, and so I decided to take him to Taco Bell, his favorite place, for some dinner. Just me and him. He wasn't giving in. I was pleading with him for a good 45 minutes, and yes there were some tears involved, until he eventually gave in and came with me. We had Taco Bell for dinner, then hit up barnes & noble and meijer. We ended up talking adn having a decent time. We ended the evening by heading over Bill and Kristen's house and playing Mystery Phone. That was interesting and it definently took me back to the 90's. My brother had a good time I could tell. He needs to let people in more especially since we're the little group of outcasts that can understand him a bit more than others. Tomorrow
 Kristen and I are planning on seeing Twilight again. I haven't seen it since the day after christmas. I love that movie sooooooo much. I have to make sure I preorder my dvd soon. I am also hoping to ask Rory soon about picking up The Bad Mother's Handbook on dvd for me soon. I have just felt bad asking with all his shit going on. I might just bring it up again now that I have my macbook to watch it on. Anyways I thought I would end this with some things I have been loving today.
 I am still dying for this beautiful Marc Jacobs graffiti bag. It's just amazing and I want it more than any bag right now. It's so me.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

First Blog

So I decided to maybe start a blog. I just think it might be fun just to have a place to talk about anything I like at the moment or whatever.