Saturday, January 24, 2009


Yesterday was an interesting day to say the least. I got up, showered, got ready all the usual stuff. I let Rupert have some fun time in his ball while I cleaned his cage. That baby boy certainly has a ton of energy. I ended up going to the Police station and to China buffet with Kristen. Kristen has been receiving some prank phone calls the last few days and they were getting sexual and bad so we went to the police and at least gave a report so there was something on file, even though they couldn't really do anything. No good cops. We had lunch at Super China Buffet. It was good, and I was stuffed when we left. Those sweet buns are so good, but so bad. I dropped Kristen off and headed to my parents before work, and as soon as I pulled in my mom pulled up. She wasn't supposed to be off work for another hour and a half. Turned out she got rear ended and it jacked up the back end of her car badly. She had a police report and everything. It was pretty bad. She was an emotional wreck. I got changed and headed to work. The hour with hank wasn't too bad, but I was thankful, as I always am, when Saima walked in. I had made her a copy of the Twilight soundtrack and she was really excited. Time passed pretty quickly. We did our usual Twilight talks and other various things. Turns out they're teaching kids at her daughters school to count and add the way I taught my self when I was younger. That's exciting considering when I was younger nobody could get what I was trying to say. Now they're teaching it. That sucks. Got off work at 9 and picked up Kristen to head to the Hookah Lounge. They were still out of cosmo so we got sex on the beach. That stuff is so good. Kristen's friend Grace met us up there later and only stayed for a little bit. We had a second head of pomegranate. We we chilling until around 1 am. We figured by that time we should head home. I had to stop at Taco Bell and get my brother some food, and then they fucked up my order and I had to go back through. Then they continued to piss me off more because she practically argued with me and got all pissy when I told her they screwed up. I now am going to be calling and reporting that. Then to top off my mom's bad day someone puked on their car while they were at the cinema. I felt so bad. Needless to say she drank a few last night. I went home and passed out and didn't go to class cause I'm not happy with my project so far. I can't get it right. 
Tonight Kristen and I are starting our movie marathon weekend.
 We made a list of movies we either both haven't seen, or she
I definently want to watch Slumdog Millionaire tonight. That movie is honestly just amazing. It just left me sp
eechless. The reason I wanted to see it was cause Dev Patel is in it, and I also heard it was good. I completely fell in love with it. So it's going to be a fun 

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